Kehidupan adalah Aplikasi dari Al-Quran dan Al-hadist

jalanilah hidup antum dengan seberguna mungkin, tanyakan pada diri antum, apa konstribusi antum hidup di dunia ini untuk ALLAH SWT.....?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How We Can Minimize Birth Rate (Mid Exam of English Class)

There are many country which have a big number of birth, for example China. The big number of birth must be minimized by using a contraception. Because it will make different social. Then, if people have many children, maybe, the quality of them is not cared, but the parents will care in quantity of their children. This problem caused our need complied difficult. The contraception is usually used to minimize the birth rate. In addition, the poverty also increase in the world. The way of government to handle this problem is espionage about why we must use a contraception. People can use the contraception, example, join KB program, use condom, use vasectomy, etc.

We are a graduate student. We can open networking with the government. After that, we can invite the citizen to join in our event. The event is talk show about how minimize birt rate. In this event, we must press the citizen to use contraception. We explain the contraception which is used easy. For example, we support the government program about KB. So, we can give information in the talk show how to start and use this program. We know well if there are a poor citizen. We must give a way which can do with all people.

Researches explain that the well contraception is condom. Why? Because if we use condom, the women keep fertyl. It doesn’t make the mothher’s lap unfunction. From the result research, we also can give an information to a couple in law about this. We tell that using condom, make healhty without being afraid about PMS. Besides that, there are no hormonial in condom. From this information, we can also open networking with the government to hold an activity. For example, we can hold giving free condom to couple in law.

In conclusion, we as graduate student must make networking with the government to solve it. Or, we can also request govermnet to make a law about minimizing birth rate in their country.

Poles Apart (English Class)

Our earth have two poles. If we learn this poles, we will get many surprise. This poles are Antarctica and Arctic. The name Antarctica was coined to mean “opposite“ to the Arctic. Antarctica is the coldest in the world. It is about 30 degrees colder than the Arctic. At the American South Pole Station, winter temperatures sometimes fall below -100 degrees Fahrenheit. It has animals and plants difference, because the climatic is also different. In the Arctic there are many plants, for example mosses, lichens, and algae. For animals, example, foxes, bears, reindeer and lemmings. In the Antarctica there are famous animal that penguins. The icecap is very thick, averaging nearly 8000 feet. If this great volume of ice were to melt, the volume of sea will increase and can changes the climate.

Green Revolution (English Class)

Green Revolution is a new approach to agriculture. It is about double food products with a new grain and use a chemical and farm machinery. But, this methods no successful because of the expense of the new farming methods. It is too expensive for farmers. Then, Green Revolution give a social and political conflict. This methods just can afford with rich landowners. So that, the social tension increase. This methods should be questioned about a long term effect. So, We need a new methods that will better than old methods to solve world’s hungry people.

Sir Isaac Newton (English Class)

Sir Isaac Newton was born in England on 1942. He wrote a great book. It is “Principia”. This book explained his law of universal gravitation. Besides that, he included experiments and writings on Astronomy, Chemistry, and Logic. He also invented differential and integral calculus. He began to go to college in Cambridge University on 1661. He was made director of the English mint in 1699. His famous invention was coming from a falling apple. The most productive in his live was in Woolsthorpe. He died in 1727. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. He produced so many brilliant ideas in his live.