Kehidupan adalah Aplikasi dari Al-Quran dan Al-hadist

jalanilah hidup antum dengan seberguna mungkin, tanyakan pada diri antum, apa konstribusi antum hidup di dunia ini untuk ALLAH SWT.....?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sir Isaac Newton (English Class)

Sir Isaac Newton was born in England on 1942. He wrote a great book. It is “Principia”. This book explained his law of universal gravitation. Besides that, he included experiments and writings on Astronomy, Chemistry, and Logic. He also invented differential and integral calculus. He began to go to college in Cambridge University on 1661. He was made director of the English mint in 1699. His famous invention was coming from a falling apple. The most productive in his live was in Woolsthorpe. He died in 1727. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. He produced so many brilliant ideas in his live.

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